Avoiding Problem Foods as You Age and Travel.part-1

It may be surprising, but foods can affect how your medicine works. That’s why it’s always best to ask your doctor or pharmacist if you should avoid any foods. For example, if you take medicine for high blood pressure, anxiety, or insomnia, grapefruit juice may interact with your drugs. Don’t miss out on the vitamin C and potassium that grapefruit holds. Instead, enjoy other citrus fruits like oranges and limes. But check the labels of other juices before you drink them. Some may contain grapefruit juice.
Raw Vegetables

If you have sensitive, decayed, or missing teeth, raw vegetables may be high on your list of foods to avoid. But don’t miss out on the vitamins and fiber. Instead, try cooking vegetables until they are softer. Or use pureed vegetables — such as carrots, pumpkins, and beets — in soups or stews. You can also try canned vegetables. Just look for those with no added salt.

Moderate drinking may reduce your risk of heart attack and some types of strokes. But as you age, alcohol may affect you differently, even if you’re used to a glass of wine with dinner or a beer with TV. Alcohol disrupts sleep and can raise your blood pressure, too. Alcohol can also cause hypoglycemia in people with diabetes. It even affects the way medicines work. Talk to your doctor about your alcohol use.

You may have trouble digesting milk or dairy products as you age. But you may not have to give up all dairy products and the calcium and protein they provide. Many people can have small amounts of dairy with no stomach upset. And some dairy products are better tolerated than others. Non-fat plain yogurt and low-fat cheeses are especially nutritious choices. Or try lactose-free dairy products.

Although caffeine may not be a problem for everyone, it can make some people feel anxious or jittery. Caffeine can also increase your heart rate and cause sleeping problems. If you’re trying to cut back, be sure to taper off slowly. Stopping caffeine too quickly may cause headaches, nausea, or vomiting. Slowly replace caffeinated drinks with water, herbal tea, or decaf.