
Radio Stations

There are so many radio stations both private and state owned stations. Before, radio stations used to be owned by the government but licenses have been granted to private broadcasters as well.

There are more than 30 privately owned radio stations all over the country providing information, news and sports to people.

Radio is the key source of information for many Nigerians not only because it is easily accessible both in the cities and the villages, but also most of the programs are in local languages.


In the 1950s, Nigeria made history as the first African country to host a television station and since then, the country has moved on to be the largest television station network in the continent.

The numbers of the privately owned television network had risen and most of these television stations are located in the commercial city of Lagos. With more than 10 television stations, Lagos city now has the highest number of television stations in a city in Africa.

Also, international satellite television channels such as CNN, BBC, FOX, etc as well as satelite radio stations are easily accessible.


Lagos Times was first published in 1880, starting a tradition of active and diverse debate in the mass media.

The Lagos Daily News became the first daily in 1920 and ran until 1936, providing with the West African Pilot an urban perspective on Nigeria’s campaign for independence.

Today, Nigeria has more than 50 different newspapers, both tabloid and broadsheet, and greater Lagos alone is home to numerous newspapers and magazines, most privately owned and retaining their editorial independence against the odds.

News Magazines

Most News Magazines in Nigeria are printed weekly and they consider themselves to be the last vestige of the common man. Many of these magazines contributed immensely to see the end of Military rule in Nigeria.

These magazines are known for their belligerent assault on national leadership and use of secret offices, sometimes called bush offices to print their publications during military rule.

Many of these magazines are available in all Nigerian cities and towns. They publish political, economic, sports and global issues stories.